Customer Testimonials

A beautiful Pacific Palisades home. Customer testimonials.

Pacific Palisades home

Palisades Painting Company Testimonials

“Don has always been very accommodating to our immediate needs and is very trustworthy and reliable. Don always gets the job done with ease and perfection. He is  the best. We highly recommend him for any paint work.”

Del Casher, President
American Music Industries Inc
Beverly Hills, CA

-“Don was recommended to us by our friend Shirley over five years ago.  Since then he has painted for us on a fairly regular basis. We’ve trusted him with our valuable properties both business and residential. He’s flexible and always does good work. You should give him a try.” 

– Ron and Susan Miziker, Miziker Entertainment Group, Burbank

“Don has done a number of jobs at my house. He always does good work and is available quickly for call backs. No run arounds. I like working with him.”

-Myron Possman, Pacific Palisades

 “How to combine [Don’s] disposition and care for details?…Patience with being, patience with tedious tasks.   He began by repairing termite damage, cleaning the walls a few times, masking off cabinets to protect against possible paint drips, getting the walls smooth, then the final coat.  It was completed in a few days. The tenants deserved immediate attention.  This kept everybody cool and moving forward.  The kitchen has never looked as good as it does now.”

Angus MacIver, Artist, Studio City